One Year of the Begin Within Journal!

I can’t believe it’s already been one year since the Begin Within Journal for Chronic Illness and Mental Wellness was published!

I created this journal because it didn’t exist. I was couch-bound due to #lymedisease and a plethora of other diagnoses and symptoms and needed a way to track my physical and mental symptoms, document my nutrition, meds/supplements, challenges, successes, while focusing on self-love, gratitude and visualizations. I needed a way to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Since I couldn’t find anything even remotely similar online (and trust me, I looked), I decided I needed to do it for myself.  I thoughtfully created the prompts, and night after night I journaled into empty pages. I was able to bring it to appts and reference it as needed, especially when brain fog would take over. I was able to witness that although healing isn’t linear, it was happening. I was climbing up that mountain, I was just forgetting to look behind me prior to the Begin Within Journal. 

As a licensed psychotherapist, I know the #mindbodyconnection is very real. And in my research, I learned about neuroplasticity, and how journaling aids in that/healing us. We are all capable of healing. But it was in journaling every night that I witnessed its power. I felt empowered for the first time in a long time, and I knew others could feel the same. I needed to create a journal they too could use.

The Begin Within Journal wasn’t born over night, as things are slow and challenging when fatigue is running your life. I went through various designers, and artists, before my soul sister, Stephanie @forloveandbliss took it upon herself to learn how to design on Canva and made it happen. She also encouraged me to use my own artwork. In addition, I knew I wanted to donate a portion of my proceeds to a non-profit that gives back to our community. When using this journal, I think it’s wonderful to know that you’re helping yourself as you help others. A year later, it was born.

Every time I see a review online, or a comment, or receive a private message or e-mail about how much the journal is helping you, my heart beams. Whether it’s keeping you accountable, helping you at appts, or with caregiving, in learning to love your bodies, visualize, or in simply connecting dots in your health. It’s all so magical. And I thanks a million for sharing that with me.

If you have purchased a journal, or plan to, thank you for supporting a women/ spoonie-owned, USA-made, eco-friendly, small business. As well as the charitable organizations we get to donate a portion of proceeds to each season (@chronicillnesshotline for this summer season). The Begin Within Journal wouldn’t have made it to year without your support.

Please use code ONEYEAR until the end of July 5th for 10% off any of the journals. 

In Loving-Kindness and Compassion, x Christina, @beginwithintoday

P.S. Something just as exciting is in the works, and I can’t wait to share it with you when it’s finally here.

Christina P. Kantzavelos

Licensed Psychotherapist, Content Writer, Humanitarian, Travel Blogger.

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